The lift of a cat is majestic, questionable, and full of learning curves in significant manners. Though they are built as flexible creatures, their mind has an effective role in their daily lives. A cat is a majestic figure. We have known cats in all phases from cartoons to movies and naughty household pets. Yet we are often unable to depict what is going on in their minds. When you study their body structure, you will find some special traits that they possess and how superb their senses work. Unlike many animals, cats have a significant ability to sense, hear, and smell. And these senses are super-beneficial when it comes to living the life as a cat.
Of all the senses that a cat has, the sense of smell is what gives them an edge over other animals. Not many people know about catnip and its case with a cat. Catnip is one of the mint family’s herbs that is easy to grow in North America. It is notable for its scent, light green foliage, and lavender flowers. Before we get into their connection with cats, catnip leaves are widely used for tea since they offer cough relief options. But catnip is not only available for usage as tea or any other medical agent. Since it grows similarly to other plants, it can be easily exposed to cats if a cat gets access close to it.
The real thing that links catnips to cats is the aroma and scent they produce. Cats have an extra scent organ in the upper wall of their mouth that does spectacular work of carrying any scent and smell to the brain. This movement of the scent through the nose to the mind plays a significant role in allowing a cat to sense the scent it smells. Catnip leaves possess an oil that releases the scent which helps the cats to sniff it. Either a cat smells it or ingests the leaves, both leave an impression on their state of mind, body, and health. The duration though differs based on the consumption percentage of catnip by the cats.
The Immediate Actions of Catnips on Cats
The basics of catnip plants are the oil they carry that contains a specific scent. With the smelling senses of a cat high and strong, they easily smell the oil aroma in the catnip. This leads them to ‘explore’ the plan and have a taste of it (in case they want to explore more than just smelling it). The actual impact of this plant or the scent differs in many ways such as the duration for which the scent is smelled alongside whether the cat smells it or consumes the leave alongside some of the oil. There are many ways to explore the depth of this but let us keep it simple.
So what are the immediate actions that affect a cat once it possesses catnip? Remember that for a cat to show behavioral changes subject to catnip, a cat must be exposed to it first. Once exposed, the first and basic thing your cat will depict as a behavior is increased athleticism and activeness. You may find your cat being over joyful, playful, and even aggression. Now in typical, it is also a question that to what extent a cat can show behavioral traits since signs such as aggression are not healthy and feasible for longer periods especially if a cat is a household pet. The answer to this question is that on average, the effect of catnip lasts for about 15 minutes.
What Good does Catnip Provides your Cat?
We might have just seen or read about one-half of the story regarding catnip, its structure, and what happens to a cat that intakes it. However, there is more to the story since catnip often turns out to be helpful, beneficial, and a relief agent for your cat. Firstly, let us learn about the benefits of catnip. Catnip is widely regarded as a stress, anxiety, and pain relief agent for cats. It is provided to them as a medicine to treat their loneliness, stressful behaviors, and aggressions, especially during anxiety attacks. This is primarily a result of the mellowing effect inside catnip that releases the nervous tissues which cause stress, anxiety, and aggressive traits that develop within a cat.
Increase in the Trend of Exercise
In addition to reducing these stresses in a cat, there is a positive reaction that turns out to be favorable for cats. It is believed that cats’ athleticism and energy levels shoot up when they are exposed to catnip. But this leads to a positive result that it allows or almost confirms your cat to undergo exercise. When a body feels an added dose of energy is installed within it, it constantly looks for ways to release it and one of the finest ways to do so is through exercise. As we said above, this activity turns out to be an added benefit, this is true, especially for older cats that become lethargic over time and need a constant dose of exercise to stay fit.
Over-consumption of Catnip
Another aspect of looking at catnip is that if a cat is over-stressed, there may arise a question of how much catnip it must intake. For example, what will happen if some cat intakes more catnip than necessary? It is to note catnip is not addictive and neither a cat can consume it to the full. However, in case a cat does consume a large quantity of catnip at once, at worst it may suffer from an upset stomach and nothing more. Presently, there are loads of ways catnip is turning out to be beneficial for cats. For instance, now you do not need to feed your cat catnip directly. All you need to do is use catnip spray and spray it on your cat’s favorite products.
Different Usage Types of Catnips
With the evolution of the use of catnips as a relaxing agent for cats, there have been many modern ways of finding catnips. These include:
- Fresh catnip or catnip that you grow yourself
- Catnip sprays
- Dry catnip
- Toys stuffed with dried catnip
While these are the basic types of catnips available, the simplest type is the catnip spray which is easy to sprinkle on any of your cat’s favorite products. This directly helps them in case of an upset stomach.
Any product that you find harmful in one sense may turn out to be beneficial in another. Hence, one must have a firm study on it before declaring something as unhealthy and unbeneficial. Catnip is one such plant that if ingested causes stomach upset within cats but once provided to them in different ways, it can turn out to be a stress and anxiety relieving agent and help them manifold. When it comes to humans, through the use of tea, they also treat the same issue. You can simply head over to Petco to get a favorable catnip product for your cat in Lahore. With the city rich in diversity, it is no doubt that pet cats are in abundance here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Catnip?
Catnip is a mint family plant that has wide usage as stomach relief when used with tea and stress and anxiety relief for cats.
In how many different forms is catnip available?
Catnip is available in:
- Fresh catnip or catnip that you grow yourself
- Catnip sprays
- Dry catnip
- Toys stuffed with dried catnip
For how long does catnip’s effect stay over a cat?
It is believed that a catnip’s effect stays on a cat for at least 10 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes.
What is the worst problem a cat can face through overconsumption of catnip?
Overconsumption of catnip is not fatal and your cat may experience an upset stomach at best.
Is catnip helpful for kittens?
Catnip is not harmful for kittens but a cat may not show any signs until it is 6 months old.