
Hydration Tips to Keep Pets Healthy

While nutritional professionals and wellness advocates may have differing views on the newest cuisine or diet trend, they have one thing in common: water is the key to good health. This fact also holds true for the pet world. The majority of your pet’s body is made of water. Yes, that is twenty percent more than ours. As you can guess, your pet must get enough water; in fact, you could say that it is more important than our own needs. A healthy liquid intake maintains energy levels, controls body temperature, aids in healing and recovery, and supports urinary tract health. Consider it the foundation of your pet’s general health; if you ignore it, your pet may experience a variety of problems. Consider it the foundation of your pet’s general health; if you neglect it, your pet may have a variety of issues, the most common of which is dehydration. With this guide to pet hydration, you may find helpful tips to keep your pet hydrated.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration occurs when a body loses more fluids than it consumes, creating an imbalance in body functionality. The pet’s body requires a sufficient amount of water to stay healthy and fit. Dehydration can be caused by extensive heat, sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, or less water intake.To prevent dehydration in your lovely pets, you need to provide fresh water and a sufficient amount of water per day. Keep them hydrated and ensure your pet stays cool, especially in summer. If you find dehydration symptoms, immediately take it to nearby veterinary care and arrange immediate treatment.

signs of dehydration

To determine whether your pet is dehydrated, you can do a skin test. Gently grasp a skin fold, usually the back of the neck or the space between the shoulder blades. Your pet may be dehydrated if the skin takes a while to return to its normal position, but if it does so quickly, it indicates that your pet is properly hydrated. See your veterinarian right away if you think this is the case. Dehydration is a dangerous condition that needs immediate medical intervention.


  • dry gums
  • loss of skin elasticity
  • lethargy
  • sunken eyes
  • excessive panting

How much water is required for my pet?

An ounce of water is generally required for every pound of body weight of your pet. A 15-pound Maine Coon cat only needs 15 ounces of water, whereas a 65-pound Irish Setter requires 65 ounces. Cats need 50–70 ml of water per kg of body weight daily, while dogs require 50–60 ml per kg. Factors like diet, activity, and weather affect their hydration needs. After you have a better idea of your companion’s hydration needs, you can start monitoring whether they are being satisfied.

How can I ensure that my pet stays hydrated?

Make sure your pet has access to clean water at all times. Without exception, your pet should always have access to clean, fresh drinking water. Make sure your pet is getting enough water if you are leaving the house for the day. The same goes for going outside: always bring their water bowl with you and fill it up. To stop bacteria from forming, it’s good to clean their bowl every day. 

How to keep your pet hydrated

Keeping pets hydrated is very important for their health. Make sure to provide fresh and clean water for drinking. Understand the essential amount of water the body of a pet requires a day and ensure the intake of the required amount of water. Provide extra care and attention in hot weather and extreme summers so your pets drink more water to keep hydrated. You can utilize wet food that has more moisture than dry kibbles in the summer season. Wet food also helps maintain hydration. If your cat or dog is exercising daily, then make sure to regularly drink water. Do not ignore the situation if you find signs of dehydration. Arrange proper treatment and medication if you find serious health issues or otherwise balance this situation with plentiful water intake. Here, we will mention some ideas that are helpful in keeping pets hydrated.

Consider a pet water fountain

Your pets believe that running water is “safe” and that unclean water is poisonous because of their keen primal instinct. Have you ever seen your pet turn his nose up at a bowl of muddy water? This may seem like blatant rudeness to you, but it’s actually a clever survival tactic. Your pet dislikes dirty water because they think it contains bacteria, parasites, and fungi. In light of this, your four-legged buddy would always prefer to drink copiously from a stream or freely flowing water rather than a traditional water bowl. It might be worthwhile to purchase a pet drinking fountain if you have a very finicky dog or cat to make sure they are getting enough water.

Bring More water bowls

Adding more water bowls to your house is another easy technique to increase your pet’s water intake. Put bowls of fresh water in your living room, bedroom, and, of course, outside—your partner’s favorite places to hang out. A dignified cat or dog would undoubtedly think “yuck” at the tuna flakes or kibble floating in their water bowl, so make sure the bowls are away from litter trays, sunshine, and food bowls. Last but not least, if your home accommodates both dogs and cats, keep their water dishes apart to prevent any territorial disputes.

When you go for walks, carry water

Your cat or dog probably feels thirsty, too, like you do when you’re out and about. Remember to include water for your four-legged companion whenever you’re out and about, whether you’re running in the evening, trekking, or visiting a park. Fortunately, to make this easier to handle, you can now purchase portable water dishes and specialized dog water bottles. Try coaxing your dog to lick a little water from your hand if he doesn’t want to eat his new travel food.

Get a charming pet's bowl

Pets, particularly cats, have a reputation for being rather picky at times. Even though it may seem insignificant and unbelievable, your pet’s dislike of drinking can actually be related to their bowl. While some like to gulp from the stainless-steel kind, others prefer to sip from the ceramic variety. Yes, that looks a bit crazy, but if you want to get your pet to drink more, try a couple.

Wet food is Summer

Humans eat food that replenishes a large portion of their body’s H20 storage (consider all those water-rich fruits and vegetables, don’t you think?). However, our animal pals find this task a little more difficult. Pet food, or more precisely kibble, is, well, dry and contains very little water. The answer? Wet food has 70% more moisture than most dry types, so mix it in with your pet’s dinner or add a cupful of water.

Keep Your Pets Hydrated with!

Ensure your furry friends stay happy and healthy with top-quality hydration solutions from! We offer a wide range of pet water fountains, spill-proof bowls, travel water bottles, and moisture-rich pet food to keep your pets refreshed all day long. Whether at home or on the go, we have the perfect hydration supplies for dogs, cats, and small animals. Shop now for premium pet care products delivered right to your doorstep. Stay hydrated, stay healthy—only with!

Order now and give your pets the care they deserve!


Pets need to be properly hydrated to stay active and healthy; without this essential life source, their bodies will stop functioning and will start to weaken. Dehydration can result in a number of health problems, including heart failure, kidney damage, and ultimately death. Fortunately, there are many easy, feasible ways to keep your pet hydrated. The most important thing is to always give your pets plenty of clean, fresh water; how you allocate it is up to you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why need to keep pets hydrated?

Keeping pets hydrated is very important to keep them fresh, healthy, and happy, especially in summer.

What are the supporting products that help to keep pets hydrated?

Better water fountains, hydration powders, and electrolyte supplements are recommended for oral rehydration solutions for pets.

What type of food is recommended to keep pets hydrated in summer?

Feeding them wet foods that are moisture-rich is also a good suggestion to increase their overall water intake.

What is the best pet store in Pakistan where you can buy the best pet food, supplies, and products? is the best pet store in Pakistan, where you can buy the best pet food, supplies, and products.

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