10 Things to Avoid with Kittens

10 Things to Avoid with Kittens

Cats make great pets, and cat lovers will do anything to ensure their cats are happy. However, some people still don’t understand what cats need as pets. We all have things we should and shouldn’t do. Don’t we? Kittens also have things they should and shouldn’t do. As cat parents, it’s essential to know these limits. We will talk about ten things you should never do to your kittens. Every action, from yelling to skipping vet visits, is significant for keeping our cat friends happy and healthy. Offering them unhealthy food can even trigger them a lot. Therefore, Petco. Pk brings a vast collection of online brands offering balanced and nutrition-based food items. 

What Major Things You Need to Avoid with Your Kittens?

Shouting or Physical Punishment

It doesn’t get better when you yell at or hit your cat. Cats don’t connect the punishment with what they did so they might get scared or angry. Instead, praise or treats are positive feedback to get people to behave well.

Forceful Hugging or Physical Contact

Different cats are more or less comfortable with being touched. Hugging or petting someone too hard can cause stress and scratching. If your cat wants to be petted, let them, but be aware of their space to build trust.

Not Taking Care of The Litter Box 

If you clean the litter box, it can save your cat’s schedule. Cats are very clean, so they might go to the bathroom somewhere else if the litter box needs to be cleaned. To keep the area friendly, scoop up waste and change the litter often.

Giving Them Food That Is Not Healthy At All

Cats shouldn’t eat certain things, like chocolate and onions. Don’t give your cat food that’s still on your plate, and make sure they only eat a healthy diet created just for cats. This keeps your cat healthy and stops any possible health problems.

Cutting Your Cat’s Claws 

Declawing a cat means cutting off the last bone of its toes. It is a painful process that can cause long-lasting physical and behavioural problems. Cats use claws to protect themselves, stay balanced, and do everyday things like scratching. Instead, give them good places to scratch and trim their claws often to keep them from hurting themselves. 

Making use of essential oils for no reason 

Cats can get sick from essential oils like peppermint, lemon, and tea tree if they breathe, eat, or absorb them through their skin. Cats don’t have the suitable enzymes to break down these chemicals, which risks their health. Before using, please check with your vet to ensure that essential oils are safe for cats.

Bathing Too Much 

Cats are very good at grooming themselves, and their bodies are healthy because they have natural oils. If you bathe too much, these oils can be washed away, leaving your skin dry and irritated. Even though cats may need to be bathed sometimes, like when they have a specific skin condition, it’s usually best to let them take care of their cleaning.

Letting Them Roam Around Alone

Letting cats roam outside without a leash puts them in danger of car crashes, being eaten by other cats, and getting diseases. Supervised time outside in a controlled setting or using enclosed catios can be a better way to combine living inside and outside. It keeps them safe and stops harm from happening. 

Giving Them Human Medicines  

Giving human medicines to your cat without professional advice can cause serious health problems. Cats don’t process drugs the same way humans do, so many drugs that are okay for people can be harmful to cats. Before giving your cat any medicine, you should always talk to a vet and never assume that over-the-counter medicines are safe for cats. 

Skipping The Vet Specialist Appointments

Regularly taking your cat to the vet is essential for keeping them healthy and finding problems early. Skipping these appointments can cause illnesses that haven’t been identified to worsen until they are found. Checking in with your vet once a year should be a top concern to ensure your cat is healthy. 

How Can You Make Your Kittens Feel Special?

You are not the only one whose cat leaves the room when you go to pet it. Given all the love and attention, it is not unusual for cat owners to be perplexed by their indifferent conduct. Determining how to encourage your cat to like you is not as difficult as it seems. You will win their respect if you know your cat’s wants, respect their wishes, and offer mouth-watering food!

Start Respecting Their Private Space

Your kitten friend most likely wants some alone time, not because they hate you if they spend most of the day out of sight. Many cats are good at remaining to themselves most of the day and interacting with people when they need food, playtime, or affection. Respect the privacy of your cats and pay attention to them as you are asked. When they disobey your order, avoid punishing them or hugging them forcefully.

Give Your Cat’s Living Space Proper Cleanliness

Many pet owners know that cats are neat freaks who tend to lick their paws and groom their coats nonstop. Your cat wants their whole living space to be precisely as neat, something you might not know. Regularly clean the litter box, bed, toys, food and water dishes, and other items for your cat. Vacuum their preferred areas. You should do this when they are not there to avoid frightening them with loud noise.

Providing Them With a Comfortable Environment

Improving the environment for your cat may need some trial and error. Watch their behaviour and grant as much access to stuff they love as you can. You should also ensure your cat’s living area is free of anything stressing her. Many cats, for example, object to plastic matting, tape, or aluminium foil. Your cat will treat you with affection, trust, and respect, probably if you know how to make their surroundings joyful. 


Taking care of your cat depends mostly on knowing and fulfilling its wants. Avoiding activities and circumstances that endanger your cat can help create a safe, joyful household. Knowing what you should never do to your cat allows you to guarantee loving and comfortable surroundings for her. To feed them what they love the most, visit Petco. Pk and place an order for a kitten’s balanced and healthy lifestyle routine.

Want to Change Cat Food :

Frequently Asked Questions

What should you avoid doing with your kittens?

You should not be punishing the kittens for their instincts. Do not spend too much time on training sessions. Never choose the wrong litter box.

What is most harmful to cats?

Raw eggs and meat, chocolate, alcohol, grapes and raisins are among the most poisonous foods available to cats. Onions and garlic also fall here.

Where not to touch a kitten?

Near the tail, the tummy, and the back legs are the least preferred stroking places. Many cats have little tolerance for contact in these places. 

How to calm a cat?

You can calm cats by playing with them and giving them interactive puzzles and wand toys.

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