Common Dog Food Myths in Pakistan

Common Dog Food Myths in Pakistan

Food preparation for your dog might look challenging, as you do need to put a lot of your time investment into it. Besides all the information is available online, choosing what to feed and what not to offer your dog can be difficult. Whether you consult a random dog parent you met at the park, a pet nutritionist, or your dog’s veterinarian, it’s important to keep yourself up-to-date on several dog food myths. There are lots of wealth tips and facts on dog food. The more the tips the more the dog food myths and misinformation. Below some of the key points described as some legends are overloading the misinformation to the web. To find healthy and top quality dog food options in the market, what else can be a better option than This online pet food store has a huge collection of brands offering nutrient based food options for your dog and cat.

Dogs Have Allergies To All Grains

There are some dogs who are sensitive to some grains. This does not mean that all dogs are allergic to all grains. Well, grains, soy, corn, and even wheat have a negative image in the dog food industry. But not every dog is sensitive to every grain. Many important nutrients come from grains. This includes proteins, essential amino acids, fatty acids, linoleic acid, and other nutrients.

Dogs Should Not Eat Any Human Food

Dogs only sometimes find human food harmful. Dogs can consume human foods such as peanut butter, small amounts of bread, cashews, oatmeal, coconuts, eggs, honey, etc. Among the human foods that dogs cannot consume are chocolate, raisins, alcohol, coffee, tea, garlic, etc.

Frozen Food Is Not Healthy

Because of some essential nutrient retention, frozen food is considered as healthy as fresh food. It allows the fatty acids to retain its nutrients for longer. It’s natural to be worried about your beloved pet but we all have faced the panic situation as first-time pet parents.

Dogs Could Get Used From Every Bone

Dogs love to have bones. Besides being nutritious, chewing on raw bones helps the jaw and cleans the teeth. If we talk about the golden rule, then cooked bones should never be served to dogs no matter what kind of bones those are. Domestic dogs are not able to digest bones unlike other wild dogs. The acidity of the stomach cannot help to dissolute the bone. So it’s wrong to say that all dogs can be fed with bones.

Dogs Are Carnivores

Well, dogs are omnivores—that is, they eat everything! Consequently, they derive their energy and nutrients from various foods, including grains, vegetables, and fruit. Besides protein and amino acids, vital for canine development and growth, dogs also need vitamins, fiber, minerals, beta-carotene, healthy fats, Omega-3 oil, and other elements not acquired simply in meat.

A Dog Only Begs When Hungry

Among the most common dog behavior problems is begging. Though a hungry dog may beg, this does not mean every begging dog is hungry. To know when their dog is hungry and when they are just trying to be cute to get a treat, pet owners have to monitor their dog’s feeding schedule and quantity closely.

Lamb Is Hypoallergenic Protein

Initially the lamb was used in hypoallergenic dog food. Some said lamb is a huge source of novel protein in dog foods. Simply, if your dog has never had any problem with lamb meat then there is nothing to worry about. But what is a novel protein? It is commonly suggested to introduce your dog to a new protein that is not commonly found in commercial dog food. It’s great example can be ducks, lambs, rabbits, fish and even kangaroos. 

Meat Meal Not Healthy

Chicken and beef meals are considered as easy to digest. Protein and minerals are nutrient rich sources that help your pet to stay healthy and active. It’s a complete myth that meat meals are not healthy but again it depends on your pets’ breed, size and age. That’s the reason behind the popularity of commercial food.

Kidney Failure Because Of High Protein Diet

Although a completely meat-based diet is not the best for health, there is no scientific data to show a clear link between renal problems brought on by dog diets heavy in proteins. Reducing food protein helps to regulate urea levels in the blood. If your dog has any health problems, search for food choices that best fit his age, weight, activity level, breed, and perfect balance for his particular difficulties.

Homemade Food Is Superior

To assume that homemade dog food is basically better than commercial options is a misunderstanding. Homemade diets can cause health problems and nutritional shortages if you do not balance it properly. Make careful decisions and consult with veterinarians. This will help to make sure your homemade meals match your dog’s specific dietary needs. Probably, you have more control over the ingredients and quality when you cook them at home.

Dogs Do Best On An All-Meat Diet

Add variation to your dog’s diet to prevent nutrient shortfall, skin issues, or stomach difficulties. Fortunately, premium and good-quality dog food has a balanced nutritional value and everything your dog requires regularly. Looking at the ingredient chart on any kibble or canned dog food, you will find that none is entirely based on meat. 

Free Feeding Is Best To Reduce Hunger

Pet owners typically trust in the myth that free feeding will reduce their hunger. But this isn’t true. Free feeding always causes them to have more food. As a result, food intake rises, and dogs are gaining weight. It is convenient but it can lead your pet to obesity. Obesity is not a concern but a health crisis. They may get diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and joint problems like arthritis. If you want to keep your dog healthy and active, you should follow a specific feeding routine. 

Raw Food Will Bring Salmonella Into My Dog

With unprocessed meat, dairy, or eggs, food poisoning by the Salmonella bacteria is genuine and most likely. Dogs with a strong immune system can eat raw meat because of their more acidic digestive tract, increasing their resistance to intestinal bacterial diseases. Dehydrated, professionally prepared raw dog food is fit for daily consumption and is the safest choice.

Dogs Cannot Eat Human Food In General

It is very evident from depending just on common sense that this is most definitely untrue! Whole foods like processed sugar, beans, and legumes can harm dogs but some human food can be digestible. Some people feed them a piece of bread while having their breakfast or dinner, some people feed them the leftover human food, no matter how much spice and condiments it has. It is so essential to know their breed and age so you can confidently feed them what they need. 


Always remember that a happy dog is just because you are feeding them a healthy meal on a daily basis. Variety of commercial dog food stores are available in the market to pick the best one. The online reliable place is offering versatile dog food options for your pet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Eggs Healthy For Dogs?

Dogs, as well as people, find eggs to be quite nutritious. Hard-boiled, poached, scrambled, or over-easy can be delicious appetizers or a filling breakfast.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Dogs can indeed consume bananas. Bananas are a low-calorie treat for dogs. They hold copper, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and potassium.

What Daily Foods Are Healthy For Dogs?

Strawberries, melons, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, brown or white rice, chicken, turkey, and Greek yogurt are among the best things you should enjoy with your dog.

Is Honey Edible For Dogs?

Generally speaking, honey is safe for dogs to consume. Many dog owners turn to honey as a natural cure for various conditions, including allergies, coughing, and stomach problems.

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