10 Reasons to Get a Kitten

10 Reasons to Get a Kitten

Are you confused about adopting a kitten or a dog as a pet? Generally, this is one such question which we often ask so many people to know how much animal lover they are. Cats and dogs are the most common animals in every house as pets. Both the animals require major attention and care towards their diet plan, health and total well-being. Whether you are keeping a dog or cat as a pet, giving them a healthy and balanced diet is extremely important. has a huge collection of healthy food options for dogs and cats to get right now. 

Compared to a dog pet, there are certain reasons why choosing a kitten should be your first choice. Do you have a similar question? Let’s answer it together through this guide, highlighting the ten reasons to get a kitten.

Interesting Facts About Kitten You Don’t Know 

  • During birth, kittens have a body weight of 3-4 ounces. They grow 4 ounces every week.
  • New-born kittens open their eyes after 10-12 days. 
  • Kittens under 8 weeks old are unsuitable to adopt as they are not well-behaved and well-socialized. 
  • Kittens do not have teeth when they are born. Tooth starts to grow on their gums after 3 weeks. 
  • As kittens grow young, they can get pregnant around 5-6 months. 
  • They have a lifespan of 15 years and even more.
  • According to a recent study, sleeping with a kitten can reduce stress and anxiety.

10 Reasons Why Choosing Kitten as Pet is the Best Option

Cats are Great Companions  

One biggest reason for getting a kitten is the support of companionship they offer. Regardless of their independence, 65% of the cats are attached securely to their owners. Humans receive unconditional love and affection from cats and love to stay around them all the time. In short, kittens give their owners emotional and pleasure comfort when upset.

They Teach You How to Love Unconditionally 

You might sometimes notice that cats are not giving you much care even if you share so much love and affection. This is the real beauty of kittens! They might not show, but they teach their owner how to love someone unconditionally even if it is not human for them.

Cats Improve Your Physical Health

What if we say kittens can help you improve your physical health? You might call it a myth, but that’s the reality. It has been researched that people who own cats have less chance of facing heart attacks than those who don’t. Kittens can even help control smoking habits, blood pressure, cholesterol or body mass index.

In addition, in another study, it has been concluded that kitten owners are less likely to develop obesity and allergies. Early exposure to cats is also linked with lower chances of asthma in children.

Cats Reduce Loneliness

According to a recent USA survey, 80% of pet owners have confessed that kittens make them feel less lonely. And this we have already explained to you above. They know how to stay around you when you are mentally upset and exhausted. Thus, they make you feel as if they are your constant supporter. 

According to a USA survey, 59% of humans have even stated that they love talking to their cats even if they know they cannot. 45% of Americans have stated that they share most of their secrets with their pet kittens.

They Give you a Sense of Purpose

Do you know what makes you get out of bed every morning? Yes, it’s your cat! Kittens are fully dependent on us for their shelter and food. Making them fit into our scheduling and daily routine gives life meaning and purpose. Even if you meet 4-5 kitten owners, you will be listening to good and great things about how having a cat pet has suddenly changed their lives. 

Cats Help to Keep Pests Away

Because they are innate predators, cats are driven by their genes to chase, hunt, and jump their prey. You should take every safety measure to keep your cat from hunting due to the harm it causes to local wildlife. Having a cat will also greatly benefit your home by keeping pests at bay. Rodents are much less likely to enter a home if they smell a hunter. 

Cats are Good for the Mental Health of your Child

An Australian study found cat owners have greater psychological health than non-owners, another victory for cat parents. In surveys, they report feeling happier, more self-assured, and less anxious and having better sleep, concentration, and problem-solving skills.

Cats make us chuckle and lift our spirits with their daring acrobatics and peculiar resting positions. In a different study, those who had cats reported feeling less alone and experiencing less unpleasant emotions. This is in comparison to those who had a cat plus a companion; solitary individuals who owned cats reported feeling down less frequently.

Cats Help You in Making New Friends 

For people who walk their pets or take them out and about, pets are the ideal means of making new acquaintances and getting to know others. If you’ve never thought of walking your cat, find out how to do it by reading this article.

Additionally, pets are a popular topic of discussion with like-minded individuals and a great way to converse with strangers. According to a survey, almost 25% of pet owners who became friends with neighbours through their pet thought they were friends with at least one of those neighbours.

Cats Relieve Your Anxiety and Stress 

Perhaps it comes from petting their smooth, silky fur or their pleased purring. Regardless of the underlying causes, a 2011 poll by the UK-based cat charity Cats Protection revealed that people who spend time with cats or kittens report feeling less anxious and more at ease.

Respondents who own cats reported that having a cat enhanced their overall quality of life in 87 percent of cases. Having a cat made it considerably easier for them to handle everyday stress in 76 percent of cases.

Cats are not very demanding 

For many, cats are the perfect pet since they are more independent and require less maintenance than dogs.  In addition to not needing as much space, regular walks, or continuous attention as dogs do, cats are typically less expensive than dogs. Cats are also practically self-sufficient—they need the occasional brushing and nail cutting.

While you are out at work, cats are more than happy to lounge, nap, and play with their toys at home by themselves. They would much rather be inside, where they are safer and more content.

How to Take Care of Your New Kitten: Vet-Approved Tips

  • When adopting a kitten, ensure you know the rule that age matters a lot. You should keep socializing with kittens until they reach the age of 7 weeks. Encourage their social interactions as much as possible. 
  • Keep your house clean from any toxic houseplants. Put away buttons, string, yarn or any small object they can swallow. Cover the electrical wiring, which they can chew. 
  • Give your kitten the right vaccination and nutrition they need to have a healthy, happy lifestyle. 
  • Provide your kitten with scratching toys so they won’t get into scratching your furniture, pillows or carpets. 
  • Do not punish the kitten, as this can cause your pet to show signs of fear and aggression. 
  • Place litter boxes in different locations and ensure you do not place them in heightened areas.


With this detailed guide, you will rush to a kitten adopting centre and buy a good breed for your house’s fresh environment. If this is your first time, then make sure you consult your vet expert to learn about the healthy diet plan. Take suggestions on what sort of vaccinations are necessary for their better body growth. Remember to visit to buy your cat’s favourite food items. Go for it now!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How will you define a cat by its behaviour and characteristics?

Cats are known as independent animals having unique personalities. They always communicate through vocalizations, purring and body language. Kittens are fond of climbing and scratching. 

What do cats need to be happy and healthy?

To provide them with a healthy and happy environment, give them fresh water, a balanced diet, a clean litter box and a regular vet visit. Please provide them with toys and engage in some interactive playtime. 

What are the pros of owning a cat in comparison to other pets?

Cats are generally low-maintenance. They can settle into small living spaces and do not demand daily walks. You can leave them alone even for longer days as they are independent. They provide companionship and stress relief. 

Do kittens help in reducing stress and anxiety?

Yes, they do! They love to show social interactions and companionships, which reduces a human’s anxiety and stress levels. 

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